ERC Research Project
"Accretion and Early Differentiation of the
Earth and Terrestrial Planets"

European Research Council Advanced Grant
(Contract Number 290568) 2012-2018

Workshops - Past meetings

Group Meeting 30 - 31. January 2013 Bayreuth, BGI

Talks / Presentations


Time Speaker Title
Wednesday January, 30
14:00 Alessandro Morbidelli The Grand Tack model: next steps
14:50 Dave O'Brien Exploring the accretion history of terrestrial planets in the Grand Tack model
15:40 Coffee/Tea
16:00 Francis Nimmo Chemical and isotopic consequences of lossy accretion: preliminary results (Skype)
16:40 Seth Jacobson Rubble pile asteroid evolution
20:30 Dinner at Thai restaurant Hua Hin
Thursday January, 31
09:30 Dave Rubie Combining models of accretion and core formation
10:20 Razvan Caracas Prospects for determining element partitioning computationally
10:50 Coffee/Tea
11:10 Jellie de Vries Melt production models for planetary impacts
11:40 Herbert Palme Volatile elements in meteorites and planets
12:20 Lunch
14:00 Ed Young Oxygen isotopic consequences of giant planet migration (Skype)
14:30 Sylvain Petitgirard Partitioning of elements in the early Earth's mantle using X-Ray analyses
14:50 Coffee/Tea
15:10 Rebecca Fischer Metal-silicate experiments in the laser-heated diamond anvil cell
15:30 Vera Laurenz The effect of S on metal-silicate partitioning of the HSE during core formation
15:50 Antje Vogel The metal/silicate partitioning behaviour of volatile elements at high pressures and temperatures